...since 1992
We strive to remain at the forefront of innovation
We are VR Space
Our clients consider us as a long term strategic partner, valuing our ability to not only implement solutions but to also identify and solve key ongoing business challenges.
We are a team of innovative and creative professionals with a passion for producing market-leading digital products and experiences.
Today, VR SPACE consists of more than 15 top experts who jointly develop applications for small and multinational companies. We think about each application so that it pays off for you and is original. We are looking for solutions that are effective and for many years. We develop applications using our own plug-ins. Thanks to them, we can be very efficient, competitive and develop both a VR application and a web and mobile version under one roof, which are also connected to your system. Implementation is thus faster and cheaper. We help our partners with the digitization of processes and projects. We can streamline sales, training, education or treatment.
Our team are specialists across the industries, and understand the technical and business challenges of creating digital product and experiences. This means we offer customers a seamless and professional service from start to finish.